Tag Archives: wine night

Lesson #320: Winesdom. (Wine and Wisdom)


The best part about wine night with your girls (or guys or roommates or friends) is the drunken (but somehow) alwyas true wisdom that comes along with it.

Let’s take tonight.

After my roommate Frannie and I headed to our room and climbed into our beds, we drunkenly chatted in the dark for about twenty minutes. It was absolutely hilarious.

But nothing short of fantastic.

In a more put together and slightly less slurred fashion, I’ll summarize the winesdom Frannie blessed me with at 12:30am. Take notes.

You’re placed with the people you’re placed with for a reason. You’re meant to learn and grow from them. The time that you’re given has been provided so that you may build relationships with the people around you—use it. But always remember, you’re there for a reason. It’s no mistake.

And second,

When you’ve been given a gift, use that also. There are no gift receipts for talent, no take backs on what you’ve been called and are meant to do.

You heard her, people.

Get out there and use it all up.

Make the most of your time, and make the most of what you do, and what you can do.

Nothing goes without purpose.

Day 320.